Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What are our Body's Basic Energy Needs and Why?

What is ATP and where does it come from?
ATP is an abbreviation for adenosine triphosphate.

ATP comes from the food we eat.

ATP is one of the most important compounds that cells use to store and release enegry.
In other words ATP is the basic energy source used by all types fo cells.

Where does ATP come from or what is ATP made of?
ATP is made up of an adenosine molecule and 3 phosphates.
The phosphate groups are the key to ATP's ability to store and release energy.

Food indirectly gives us energy.
Food > ATP > Energy

The purpose of ATP is molecule that transfer energy from the breakdown of food molecules to cell processes.

Uses of ATP: building molecules and transporting of materials.

What is ADP?
An abbreviation for Adenosine diphosphate.
ADP is a lower energy molecule that can be converted into ATP.
ADP is ATP with one less phosphate.

What is Glycolysis?
Glycolysis is the first set or reactions in cellular respiration.
The word Glycolysis means "sugar-breaking."

Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell.

The Krebs cycle and electron transport chain take place inside the mitochondria and generate the majority of ATP during cellular respiration.

The cell is able to keep the Glycolysis running when there is no oxygen present (anaerobic) and this generates ATP to power cellular activity.

What is Cellular Respiration?
Cellular Respiration releases chemical energy from sugars and other carbon- based molecues to make ATP when oxygen is present
In other words Cellular Respiration is the process that releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen.

Takes place in the mitochondria of cells.

All cells undergo cellular respiration, but not all cells undergo Photosynthesis.

What is the cellular respiration equation and its stages?
The equation of cellular respiration is just the opposite of photosynthesis's equation:

O2 + C6H1206 -> CO2 +H2O + ENERGY

There are three main stages of cellular respiration and they are- glycolysis, the Krebs cylce, andthe electron transport chain.

What is the relationship between Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere when cellular respiration put is back.
Photosynthesis releases oxygen into the atmosphere, and cellular respiration uses that oxygen to release energy from food.
Aerobic Process
Aerobic ("in air") processes are pathways of cellular respiration that require oxygen.
Some aerobic processes are the Krebs Cycle and electron transport chain.
                                                   Requires air ->>>

What is the Krebs Cycle?
A pyruvate is the process were we split glucose into 2 molecules.
Pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in a series of energy- extracting reactions during the Krebs cylce.

The Krebs Cycle is also known as the Citric Acid Cycle because citric acid is the first compound formed during the reactions.

Anaerobic Process
An Anaerobic ('without air') Process is pathways of cellular respiration that does not require oxygen.

Examples would be Glycolysis, fermentation, and lactic acid.

Fermentation releases energy form food molecules by producing ATP in the absence of oxygen.

What Happens if our Body's Needs are Not Met or are Over-Met?

What is Diabetes?
Diabetes is a disorder that affects the way your boy uses food for energy.

There is three types of Diabetes:
Type 1 Diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes and
Gestational Diabetes

What is Glucose?
Glucose is a basic fuel for the cells in the body.

Glucose cannot enter the body without insulin.

What is insulin?
Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life and it is produced by the pancreas.
Type 1 is when you produce no insulin at all.
Type 2 is when you don't produce enough insulin, or it is not working properly.
Gestational Diabetes forms in pregnant woman and goes away after birth.

Type1 Diabetes Signs and Symptoms:
- Frequent urination
- Unusual thirst
- Extreme hunger
- Unusual weight loss
- Extreme fatigue and irritability

About a third of all people who have Type 2 Diabetes don't even know they have it.

Type 2 Diabetes Signs and Symptoms:
- Increased thirst
- Increased hunger ( especially after eating)
- Dry mouth
- Frequent Urination
- Unexplained weight loss
- Fatigue
- Blurred or decreased vision
- Headaches
- Loss of consiousness (rare)
- Slow healing sores or cuts
- Itching of the skin ( usually around the vaginal or groin area)
- Acanthosis nigricans which is velvety dark skin changes of the neck, armpit, and groin
- Numbness and tingling of the hands and feet
- Sterility
Type 2 Diabetes is usually genetic and is passed on from parent to child and is usually caused from being overweight.

Signs and symptoms of Gestational Diabetes:
- Excessive thirst
- Increased urination

What are some statistics related to Diabetes?
As of 2011-
-Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in America.

-Diabetes is a major cause of heart disease and stroke

-Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure and new cases of blindness among adults in America.

-Gestational Diabetes occurs in less than 10% of woman.

-18.8 million people are diagnosed with Diabetes

-7 million people are undiagnosed with Diabetes

-25.8 million children and adults in the United States—8.3% of the population—have diabetes.

-$174 billion is the total cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States in 2007

What is your Blood Glucose Level?
It is the amount of glucose or sugar in your bloodstream. This is why Diabetics always have to test their blood to monitor their levels.

By over eating you can raise your blood glucose levels and that is not good if they get too high. Its important to monitor what you eat and how much you eat escpecially your carbohydrates or starches. By eating too little your blood glucose levels can lower and this is not good either if they get too low. Sometimes instead of eating everytime your blood glucose levels are low Diabetics have these chewable tablets that can raise their blood glucose levels enough to keep them out of danger.

By following the diabetes food pyramid and making healthy choices you can manage your diet easily.

What are Appropriate Foods and Amounts that we should Consider?

A calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.

Most peoples diet is based upon a 2000 calorie diet.

The food that people should get dailys

Recommended amount for children to adults is from:
3 to 8 ounces of grains
1 to 3 cups of vegetables
1 to 2 cups of fruit
2 to 3 cups of dairy
2 to 6 ounces of protein food
3 to 7 teaspoons of oils
120 to 330 empty calories

You should not overeat because that can lead to obesity, and you should not under eat or starve yourself because that can lead to anorexia and death along with obestiy. If you follow the recommended amount of for you, you should be healthy. Make sure to monitor your empty calories also.

 This chart is based on a 2000 calorie diet.

How are our Body's Needs Connected to Plants?

Photosynthesis captures light energy from the sun to make sugar that stores chemical energy.
Autotrophs make their own food, plants.

It involves 2 stages:
The Light Dependent Reaction
and the The Light Independent Reaction.
Thylakoids are saclike photosynthetic membranes.
Grana is stacks of Thylakoids.
Stroma is the liquid surrounding grana (cytoplasm of chloroplasts).

The Light Dependent Reactions occur in the chloroplasts in the thylakoids.
The Light Independent Reactions happens in the stroma.

In the Light Dependent Reactions-
chlorophyll absorbs sunlight
electrons become excited.
Lost energy from electrons is used to create small amounts of ATP as well as Splitting Water.
Products-  O2, small amount of ATP, and NADPH
Reactants- Water is a reactant which is needed to release oxygen as a product.

In the Light Independent Reactions-
Also known as Dark Reactions or the Calvin Cylce.
Electrons bounce down an electron transport chain until it reaches NADP+, an electron carrier, ( like a bus) that will be used to carry the electrons to the stroma and carry out the light.
A set of chemical reactions that use CO2 and the energy carried by ATP and NADPH to make simple sugars.
Products- Oxygen, ADP, and NADP+
Reactants- ATP, NADPH, and Carbon Dioxide
Light Dependent and Independent Reactions work together to capture energy of sunlight and transform it into energy- rich compounds such as Carbohydrates.

Electron Transport Chain-
Makes the most ATP.
1 glucose molecule makes 38 ATP molecules.
This is the fuel the plant uses.

Reactants of Photosynthesis:
Carbon Dioxide  and Water

Products of Photosynthesis:
Sugar and Oxygen Gas(water splits in oxygen)

The Goal of Photosynthesis is to not make ATP. Its goal is to make glucose.

Animal Cells are dependent on plant cells because plant make their own food and animals do not. So to get food and energy animals must consume plants to intake the energy. Food indirectly gives us energy.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Works Cited











http://caloriecount.about.com/- calorie








